Robin H. Lock
Mathematics Department
St. Lawrence University
Canton, NY 13617 USA

Online companion for an article in



MAA Notes Series #52


1. Introduction
2. On-line Course Materials
3. On-line Texts
4. JAVA Applets
5. Electronic Journals
6. Discussion Lists and Newsgroups
7. Data, Data, and More Data
8. Miscellaneous Sites
9. Conclusion


The purpose of this paper is to direct browsers/readers to websites that typify the various sorts of resources which are currently available via the World Wide Web to help support statistics instruction. Due to the rapidly evolving nature of the Web, some links may no longer be available, some may have radically modified content, and new resources are appearing at a steady rate. We will update these links periodically to try to provide a current snapshot of the status of WWW resources for teaching statistics. Your assistance in pointing out dead links and suggesting additional resources to be included is greatly appreciated. Comments can be sent to rlock@stlawu.edu.

Section 2- On-line Course Materials

More and more instructors are providing course materials to their students through websites. In addition to providing convenient access for students, these pages can be perused by instructors at other institutions looking for hints and ideas to improving their own courses. Note: Course below may become unavailable as semester offerings change and sites restrict access to enrolled students only.
Lots of Courses
Links to Web Pages for Statistics Courses at Illinois-Urbana-Champaign (check previous courses).

Section 3- On-line Texts

Several individuals and groups have undertaken ambitious projects to develop statistics textbooks that can be accessed via the Web. Some examples...

Commercial Ventures

Section 4- JAVA Demonstrations

The emergence of JAVA as a platform-independent web programming language has encouraged individuals to develop interactive demonstration software that can be accessed via any JAVA-capable browser.
Some of our favorite individual JAVA applets (selected from the sites listed below):
The sites below contain collections of  JAVA applets or links to applets at various locations which are relevant to statistics instruction.
Statistics Packages available as JAVA applications over the Web:

EXAMPLE: Here's modest course webpage with links to a few applets for students to explore.

Section 5- Electronic Journals & Newsletters

Section 6 - Discussion Lists and Newsgroups

These e-lists allow instructors to share questions, ideas and announcements related to teaching statistics, practicing statistics, and statistical computing. Although e-mail discussion lists are part of the wider Internet resources, the websites which archive the messages also provide good resources for searching through past discussions.

Section 7- Data, Data, and More Data

Need an example of a regression which is drastically altered by an influential outlier? Want to find some data to illustrate descriptive statistics which will appeal to students interested in environmental issues? Looking for a multivariate dataset to serve as the basis for next week's midterm exam? Have a student who loves horse racing and wants to use data from past runnings of the Kentucky Derby for her project? The Web is the place to find loads of data sources, often in downloadable formats.

Dataset Archives

Pages of Links to Datasites

Government & Official Agencies Data

There's tons of data produced by various govenment departments, although it often takes a bit of digging to find it.

Data About the Web

Want to measure some feature of Web pages? You'll need a way to randomly sample pages...
Or to check how a sample of colleges and universities present themselves via the web...
·American Colleges and Universities - a list of links maintained by Mike Conlon at the Univ. of Florida.

Generating simulated data

Example: What data do STUDENTS choose from the web?

Section 8- Miscellaneous Links

Sites with good general links related to teaching statistics:
Need some questions for that next quiz or exam, check:
To find a statistical software provider's webpage:
Information on statistics textbooks (including reviews):
Other sites to start browsing

Guide to the Web for Statisticians - lots of general statistical links with good sections on teaching and data, maintained by Gordon Smythe at University of Queensland.

Section 9- Conclusion

The development of the World Wide Web has produced unprecedented means for instructors to easily share their ideas on ways to improve the teaching of statistics. The links presented here represent some of the types of resources that are currently avaialble, but are by no means an exhaustive list of the many excellent websites that help support statistics instruction.  Although the volume of on-line material may seem daunting, and the process of searching for worthwhile information can be frustrating, the rewards, both for instructors and our students, can be quite substantial. If current trends continue, universal access to the Web should become easier, faster, and more common, on-line applications should become even more sophisticated, and useful resources should continue to appear at a steady rate.