Section 7- Data, Data, and More Data

Need an example of a regression which is drastically altered by an influential outlier? Want to find some data to illustrate descriptive statistics which will appeal to students interested in environmental issues? Looking for a multivariate dataset to serve as the basis for next week's midterm exam? Have a student who loves horse racing and wants to use data from past runnings of the Kentucky Derby for her project? The Web is the place to find loads of data sources, often in downloadable formats.

Dataset Archives

Pages of Links to Datasites

Government & Official Agencies Data

There's tons of data produced by various govenment departments, although it often takes a bit of digging to find it.

Data About the Web

Want to measure some feature of Web pages? You'll need a way to randomly sample pages... Or to check how a sample of colleges and universities present themselves via the web...
  • American Colleges and Universities - a list of links maintained by Mike Conlon at the Univ. of Florida.
  • Generating simulated data

    Example: What data do STUDENTS choose from the web?

    Move on to Section 8: Miscellaneous Links

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